Palmyra Network Laboratory

To make life easier, we spare no pains.

日本語 What's Palmyra

About us

Company namePalmyra Network Laboratory Co., Ltd..
Founded SunJuly 1, 1997
EstablishmentJuly 1, 1997Palmyra Network Laboratory was established as a personal business.
July 1, 1999Palmyra Network Laboratory was registered Incorporated as a limited company.
July 1, 2006Corporate registration as Palmyra Network Laboratory Co., Ltd..
April 03, 2008Capital increased to JPY 10 million.
July 1, 2010Opened an office in Tokyo at Shiroyama Trust Tower.
May 21, 2012We established department to plan miscellaneous products. Start manufacturing and selling of household goods and stationery goods.
Location 14-26, 1chome Wakaba, Kumatoricho, Sennangun, Osaka 590-0433 Japan Fax : +81-50-3156-0421
CapitalJPY 10 million.
BankSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation.
Business Linux Network Server housing service
Product planning and sales of goods NetShop Palmyra

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